Film Prop: The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000™

By: Austin Lindquist


The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000 (SMCMM 9000) has been built by the lone and stranded “Martian” (yet again). Having crashed into the great red planet, he has had to take up the task of making use of the wreckage to live off the planet while trying to find a way to communicate back to Earth.
Being a Georgia Tech alumni, he has thought up a plan to create morse code via radio waves to send back to his home planet. Making use of a damaged computer, some stripped wiring, and some good old creativity, he devised the handy dandy SMCMM 9000.

How it works:

The machine takes in 2 inputs:

  • Morse Inputs (button)
  • Submission Input (button)

The machine also gives 3 output:

  • The LCD Screen
  • Buzzer
  • Blue LED Light

As you begin pressing the Morse Input button (whether it be short or long presses) the Arduino will assume the letter you are trying to convey. When you finish inputting a letter, after a few seconds the LCD screen will display the letter that was assumed. As you are creating Morse inputs, you will have immediate feedback from the buzzer and blue LED light to help provide an easier experience through audio and visual outputs as you create your message. You can do this as many times to create a short message to be shot out through space via radio waves by pressing the Submission button. Hopefully you will receive a confirmation message some day…. maybe…

Front End User Interface
Back End Wiring
General SMCMM 9000 Schematic

Additional Arduino Documentations:


Full Code: Film.ino

Setup Function
Loop Function
Helper Functions

Video Demo!!!

What didn’t work 🙁

  • Mechanized Morse Button: worked to an extent, but ended up being finicky, unstable, and uncooperative. Had I had aluminum tape and tape in general, I could have made a far stronger and cleaner mechanism.
Kinda garbage, but sorta (not really) worked
  • At times, the Arduino will output the wrong letter. There might have been too much going on inside the software (time constraints, reading inputs, letter calculating, etc.) but works most of the time if you are patient with it.





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