By Logan Cyterski

hi This is my blog post. In true blog fashion, I feel that there’s no more appropriate way to begin than to relate a personal story to you all. My day began after sleep so good that I forgot who I was when I woke up. After reorienting, I got a glass of milk and sat down to start on some other homework that I remembered I had to do once I had established that I was Logan. After chugging a little while there, I realized I still had *this* blog post leftover from the attention project. Your faithful author never waivered.

The attention project, as intended, was a science fair exhibition where every station competed for the audience’s attention by trying to be as flashy and entertaining as possible. Initially, I had some fun ideas to try and attract attention through the lens of science, but I decided that I needed to change the game and eliminate science from the equation if I was going to get anywhere. Enter: The Star Chamber.

The Star Chamber was a historical English court that operated from the 15th-17th centuries. Although originally intended to ensure the fair enforcement of laws, it was actually used to oppress and control the masses through strict, arbitrary rulings without due process. It also had a cool-looking starry ceiling, which was very attention grabbing, so I decided to make it my project.

Agent 1: The Fan
Agent 2: Donald Duck
Agent 3: Goofy

In my version of the chamber, three agents are present: The fan, Donald Duck, and Goofy. Goofy plays the part of The Accused. Donald is the Judge and Jury and the Fan is the Confession Extractor.

Apart from attraction attention due to the hilarity of seeing Donald Duck torture Goofy, I tried to attract attention by making the ceiling of my star chamber very starry and shiny, which I feel I succeeded at. Overall, I had a lot of fun with the attention project and am looking forward to the random sensor project.






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