Category: Attention Project

  • Attention: Quartz Watch Simulator

    This project is a “simulation” of a quartz watch that explains the mechanism by which they work. A quartz watch uses a piezoelectric quartz crystal which pulses electricity at an exact frequency, typically 32768 hz (pulses/second.)Our version has a frequency of 32 hz due to limitations of the number of pins and LEDs. Each red…

  • Attention Project: Revolving Snake

    Snakes have multiple forms of locomotion. My project depicts rectilinear: when the snake moves with its body straight without any bends using its belly muscles. Setup My project uses a stepper motor and reed switch as its main Arduino components. The stepper motor moves the snake around a circular rock formation and the reed switch…

  • Attention: Pocket Pet

    By: Yuxi Chen Origin Before the week I came up with this project, I saw a poster showing that the area shelter has reached its capacity and many pets are going to be killed. It asked people to try to help the pets in shelter if they can. I found out that over 104,000 stray…

  • Attention! “Smog” Detected

    Attention! “Smog” Detected

    For the Attention project, I decided to make a “smog detector”. I put “smog detector” in quotes there because it doesn’t actually detect smog, rather it just sounds its alarm continuously. Of course, that would be annoying to be going on constantly, so I added an internal tilt switch that deactivates the alarm when you…

  • Attention Project Andrew Patterson

    For this project, I wanted to tackle the issue of how much air pollution planes give off. My original idea has a 3D printed plane moving along a track as it was pulled back and forth. The lights that gave the optical allusion of movement came latter as a way of adding a bit more…

  • Attention: Sunlight Color Wheel

    Project Summary This object utilizes a joystick controller and a NeoPixel LED Ring to mimic colored sunlight and its effect on people’s mood and emotions. The viewer is able to move the joystick to create different combinations of colored light, and is able to push down on the joystick in order to adjust the brightness.…

  • LMC 3812 Attention Project: Flame Test

    By Luke W. For my project, I came up with a device that explores the idea of cation emission through gas excitation, more commonly known as the thing that makes different elements create different colored flames when they burn. To show this, I created a dictionary of elements that have interesting flame colors (as well…

  • Attention Project: Light Refraction

    By Angelica J For my project, I wanted to use the Arduino to demonstrate the refraction of light. To do this I used a combination of the Photocell and LED lights in the available colors (red, yellow, green, and blue). I also want to add some pizzazz to this by adding a buzzer that would…


    By Logan Cyterski hi This is my blog post. In true blog fashion, I feel that there’s no more appropriate way to begin than to relate a personal story to you all. My day began after sleep so good that I forgot who I was when I woke up. After reorienting, I got a glass…

  • Endlessly Broken Washing Machine

    My attention project started off with me randomly thinking of “Washing Machine Heart” by Mitski. However, the only relation between the final product and this song is the existence of a washing machine (or a purported one in my case). Its scientific basis lies within the realm of technology that seems to constantly cycle through…