Category: Film Prop

  • Film Prop: Marsquake Sensor

    Making the Frame When first making my Marsquake sensor, I needed something to hold it all together. I chose to make a wireframe to accomplish this task. The frame itself was relatively easy to construct with super glue and tape holding most of the joints together. The most difficult part of this stage proved to…

  • Film Prop: The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000™

    By: Austin Lindquist — Description: The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000 (SMCMM 9000) has been built by the lone and stranded “Martian” (yet again). Having crashed into the great red planet, he has had to take up the task of making use of the wreckage to live off the planet while trying to find…

  • Bit: A Robot Dog

    In The Martian 2: Bit’s Journey, Matt Damon’s character Mark returns to Mars. While the rest of the crew has left their station to roam the planet, we have our first contact with life in outerspace: real martians. The martians kidnap the crew and hold them for ransom. Luckily, this time Mark is not alone…

  • Martian 2 – Interior Home Entertaining System

    Created by: Yuxi Chen In Martian, Mark Watney became stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead. He rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive and survive until a potential rescue. Mark got rescued and became the director of the astronaut candidate program. For Martian…

  • Film Prop Project

    Smart Habitat Module Concept Introduction As we all know, the environment on Mars is extreme and definitely not suitable for humans or any living things. Therefore, it is important to have a Smart Habitat Module that is installed in the shelter for any human beings to survive through the ever-changing surface of Mars which has…