Category: Random Sensor Project

  • MQ-J2 Gas Sensor

    Angelica Jones My random sensor was the MQ-J2. Some Basic Info: The MQ series of gas sensors use a small heater inside with an electro-chemical sensor. They are sensitive for a range of gasses and are used indoors at room temperature. The output is an analog signal and can be read with an analog input…

  • Random Sensors: Adafruit MMA8451 Accelerometer & KY-028 Digital Temperature Sensor

    For my project, I had a KY-028 Digital Temperature Sensor and an Adafruit MMA8451 Accelerometer to work with, so I decided to make a device that moves if it detects heat! Here’s some pictures/videos that I took while I was working: KY-028 Digital Temperature Sensor The KY-028 detects data from the environment on temperature. This…

  • KY-038 – Microphone Sound Sensor

    The KY-038 chip contains several component pieces of varying importance. First, the KY-038 chip comes with 4 pins: Analog output, digital output, ground, and power. The analog and digital output pins allow you to choose whether you want to work with a digital or analog signal for detecting sound. I use examples of both. The…

  • KY-025 Reed Switch

    The Switch The Reed Switch sensor detects magnetic fields using two magnetic rods. When the two rods are in a magnetic field, the two rods connect and complete the electrical circuit. Also, the switch will have a sensor dead zone if orientated in a specific way. If the direction of the poles of the magnet…

  • “Etch-a-Sketchy”: KY-002 Vibration Sensor

    For my random sensor project, I received this sensor: It turned out to be a KY-002 Vibration Sensor. I could figure that out because there’s a tiny spring inside the cylinder that seemed to vibrate easily, leading me to guess it was a vibration sensor. It’s basically a standard button, except instead of having to…

  • Random Sensor: Line Tracker

    This sensor shoots out a light which tracks how much is reflected back to the source. Depending on how much of the light is reflected back determines what reading the sensor gives back. It then transmits the data back to the Arduino in the form of HIGH or LOW. HIGH indicates that the original data…

  • Random Sensor: DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor

    About the Sensor: DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor. It measures the temperature of the sensor’s surroundings. This sensor is 1-wire, which means that the entirety of its data can be transferred over 1 digital pin to the Arduino. Its temperature output is recorded in 9 to 12 bit resolution depending on user preference, which…

  • KY-028 Temperature Sensor: Fire Alarm

    By: Yuxi Chen I received two sensors: the Infrared Distance Sensor and Temperature Sensor. I played with infrared distance sensor first but to make the infrared distance sensor work, a capacitor is required. However, I do not have a capacitor, so after an hour’s play, I changed my focus to the Temperature Sensor. The KY-028…

  • Ky-036 Human/Metal Touch Sensor

    My random sensor is a KY-036 human/metal touch sensor. It has 4 header pins. The D0 pin represents digital output, the positive (+) pin represents +5V, the G pin represents Ground, and the A0 pin represents analog output. The difference between analog output and digital output is that analog signals are continuous/time varying while digital…

  • KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor

    by Rachel Young The Sensor The KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor is a magnetic sensor that reacts when a magnetic field is present. The sensor provides both digital and analog outputs, but for my project I only utilized the digital output. The sensor’s digital output acts as a simple on/off switch with a value of…