Category: Random Sensor Project


    by Victoria Nguyen What is it? This sensor emits a signal if the microphone of the sensor detects a noise. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by means of a controller. The KY-038 sound sensor module consists of capacitance sensitive microphone (50Hz-10kHz) and an amplification circuit. The module converts sound waves to electrical…

  • Random Sensor: PC Cooling

    By: Austin Lindquist I received two sensors: Metal Touch Sensor This sensor has 4 pins: For this project, I only used the ground, voltage, and digital output pins. The ground and 5V pins should naturally make their way to being connected to your Arduino’s respective ports, and the digital output pin should be nestled in…

  • How to build a compass with a LSM303DLHC Compass and Accelerometer

    Project Overview This project connects a magnetometer and an RGB LED ring to create a compass that will light up the LED on the ring facing North. Materials How does the LSM303 Work? The LSM303 is a triple-axis accelerometer/magnetometer compass module. Inside are two sensors, one is a 3-axis accelerometer, which measures the force acting…

  • Ky-003 Hall Effect Sensor

    About the Sensor The Ky-003 is a hall effect sensor, which is a type of sensor that detects magnetic fields. The hall effect sensor has three pins indicated from left to right in the image above: ground, power, and signal. The ground pin connects to ground on the arduino, the power pin connects to 5v,…

  • Sun Proximity Cooler

    An Intergalactic Companion As a person who tends to get hot very quickly, I can’t imagine getting close to the sun. So, I decided to use the 31 IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor to give adventurous intergalactic travelers a cool experience near the sun with the help of a DC Motor fan. Along with the cooling…

  • Interactive Solar Particle

    I’m really interested in interactive art and design. I am also highly interested in space, astrology, particles, energy, metaphysics, etc. So, I decided to base my project around “energy” and being able to sense it while also seeing it physically on display. Tutorials used: Arduino Piezo Buzzer Tutorial – The Geek Pub Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04…

  • Random Sensor: KY-025 Magnetic Reed Sensor

    The KY-025 is a magnetic reed sensor. First, let’s delve into a Reed switch before looking at the rest of the hardware. Reed Switches A reed switch sits in a container to protect it. Upon the presence of a magnetic field, the metal inside connects letting electricity flow through. Otherwise, the switch is considered open.…

  • Random Sensor Project

    KY-027 Magic Light Cup Module Sensor Description The KY-027 Magic Light Cup module is a set of two boards. Each one has a LED and a mercury tilt switch. Using PWM to drive the LEDs on each module, you can achieve the effect of light being “magically” transferred from one module to the other when…

  • Random Sensor: Keyestudio Magnetic Sensor

    The Keyestudio Magnetic Sensor is a sensor that detects nearby magnetic fields and produces a digital output based on whether one is present or not. Here are some technical specifications: Wiring Diagram Plug in the Magnetic Sensor module directly above the sequence of orange, red, and black wires such that the pin closest to the…