Arduino Prototyping: a blog about microcontrollers and interactive design.

  • Martian 2 – Capacitance Translator

    by Logan Cyterski In The Martian 2, Matt Damon returns to Mars due to the discovery of alien life on the planet. They don’t communicate through speech, but through electrical signals, so he’s forced to invent a device to translate these signals into comprehensible text. The fate of Mars hangs in the balance, but…

  • Film Prop: Mars Storm Detector

    For my film prop, I decided to create a storm detection and warning system. I decided on this after looking at some of the problems plaguing Mars. Mars suffers from heavy storms featuring fast-moving winds of speeds of up to almost 70mph and a thick, suffocating cloud of dust. It’s not something you’d want to…

  • Film Prop: Defective Thermostat

    Inputs/Outputs Inputs Outputs Description My film prop project is a thermostat meant that would regulate the temperature of its environment, but with a twist: the thing won’t run properly for more than a few seconds before you need to tilt it around to repair it. The thermostat uses the DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor to…

  • Mental Wellness Check-In Machine

    Ideation If I were stranded and alone on Mars, I’d imagine my mental health would be significantly impacted. Such a confrontation of solitude would, most likely, bring with it aspects of depression, anxiety, and other forms of struggles with mental health, not to mention the sheer amount of existentialism of being removed so far from…

  • Film Prop: Grow Box

    Angelica Jones Imagine this: During The Martian 2, you have limited resources to create grow boxes to grow plants to sustain life on Mars. For my film prop, I combined a water sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, a servo motor, and an LED light to create this film prop. Initially, I wanted to the the FSR…

  • Film Prop: Condensation Collector

    Context On Mars, water is an important resource for drinking, watering crops, cleaning, and various other uses. To collect and conserve as much water as possible, I created a device that collects water vapor from the air through condensation and funnels the collected water to a collection chamber for easier use. Mechanism It senses temperature…

  • Film Prop: Portable Thermostat Handbag

    The Idea and Final Product My project was focused on building a thermometer that worked off of limited resources but had plenty of functionality. Considering the scenario in the assignment description, I went on a path of using as little display as possible. The main goal for my specific project was to incorporate either the…

  • Film Prop: Marsquake Sensor

    Making the Frame When first making my Marsquake sensor, I needed something to hold it all together. I chose to make a wireframe to accomplish this task. The frame itself was relatively easy to construct with super glue and tape holding most of the joints together. The most difficult part of this stage proved to…

  • Film Prop: The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000™

    By: Austin Lindquist — Description: The Super Morse Code Machine Messenger 9000 (SMCMM 9000) has been built by the lone and stranded “Martian” (yet again). Having crashed into the great red planet, he has had to take up the task of making use of the wreckage to live off the planet while trying to find…

  • Bit: A Robot Dog

    In The Martian 2: Bit’s Journey, Matt Damon’s character Mark returns to Mars. While the rest of the crew has left their station to roam the planet, we have our first contact with life in outerspace: real martians. The martians kidnap the crew and hold them for ransom. Luckily, this time Mark is not alone…