Arduino Prototyping: a blog about microcontrollers and interactive design.

  • Random Sensor: Line Tracker

    This sensor shoots out a light which tracks how much is reflected back to the source. Depending on how much of the light is reflected back determines what reading the sensor gives back. It then transmits the data back to the Arduino in the form of HIGH or LOW. HIGH indicates that the original data…

  • Random Sensor: DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor

    About the Sensor: DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor. It measures the temperature of the sensor’s surroundings. This sensor is 1-wire, which means that the entirety of its data can be transferred over 1 digital pin to the Arduino. Its temperature output is recorded in 9 to 12 bit resolution depending on user preference, which…

  • KY-028 Temperature Sensor: Fire Alarm

    By: Yuxi Chen I received two sensors: the Infrared Distance Sensor and Temperature Sensor. I played with infrared distance sensor first but to make the infrared distance sensor work, a capacitor is required. However, I do not have a capacitor, so after an hour’s play, I changed my focus to the Temperature Sensor. The KY-028…

  • Ky-036 Human/Metal Touch Sensor

    My random sensor is a KY-036 human/metal touch sensor. It has 4 header pins. The D0 pin represents digital output, the positive (+) pin represents +5V, the G pin represents Ground, and the A0 pin represents analog output. The difference between analog output and digital output is that analog signals are continuous/time varying while digital…

  • KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor

    by Rachel Young The Sensor The KY-024 Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor is a magnetic sensor that reacts when a magnetic field is present. The sensor provides both digital and analog outputs, but for my project I only utilized the digital output. The sensor’s digital output acts as a simple on/off switch with a value of…


    by Victoria Nguyen What is it? This sensor emits a signal if the microphone of the sensor detects a noise. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by means of a controller. The KY-038 sound sensor module consists of capacitance sensitive microphone (50Hz-10kHz) and an amplification circuit. The module converts sound waves to electrical…

  • Random Sensor: PC Cooling

    By: Austin Lindquist I received two sensors: Metal Touch Sensor This sensor has 4 pins: For this project, I only used the ground, voltage, and digital output pins. The ground and 5V pins should naturally make their way to being connected to your Arduino’s respective ports, and the digital output pin should be nestled in…

  • How to build a compass with a LSM303DLHC Compass and Accelerometer

    Project Overview This project connects a magnetometer and an RGB LED ring to create a compass that will light up the LED on the ring facing North. Materials How does the LSM303 Work? The LSM303 is a triple-axis accelerometer/magnetometer compass module. Inside are two sensors, one is a 3-axis accelerometer, which measures the force acting…

  • Ky-003 Hall Effect Sensor

    About the Sensor The Ky-003 is a hall effect sensor, which is a type of sensor that detects magnetic fields. The hall effect sensor has three pins indicated from left to right in the image above: ground, power, and signal. The ground pin connects to ground on the arduino, the power pin connects to 5v,…

  • Sun Proximity Cooler

    An Intergalactic Companion As a person who tends to get hot very quickly, I can’t imagine getting close to the sun. So, I decided to use the 31 IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor to give adventurous intergalactic travelers a cool experience near the sun with the help of a DC Motor fan. Along with the cooling…