A Postcard from Far Away to Newtopia, USA


The year is 2089. In a world as abundant in technological advancements and infrastructural innovation as it is plagued with mass surveillance and online communication monitoring, two people try to stay in touch…and stay ahead.

The idea for the postcard came from an interest in mystery / thriller / investigative films and shows and games. Some inspirations were The Ghost Writer, Mr. Robot, and Bioshock Infinite.


Postcard front image: https://highshrink.com/2018/12/09/massachusetts-in-the-future-ca-1908/

Postcard back template: https://knickoftime.net/2014/10/free-printable-vintage-postcard-pretty.html

Stamp: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:American_Flag_5c_1963_issue_U.S._stamp.jpg


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