Category: Uncategorized

  • Performative: The Rose and The Prince, Meaning of Taming

    Inspiration and Concept: The inspiration for this project stems from Le Petit Prince, where the Little Prince leaves his rose behind and learns the meaning of love and taming through his journey. My reimagined narrative explores what happens if the Prince returns to his planet to nurture and tame his rose. Translating this idea to…

  • Performative – A Squeezable Stress Indicator

    Introduction: In a fast-paced world, anxiety and stress are becoming increasingly common, yet often difficult to express. Many people struggle to communicate their emotional state, leading to feelings of isolation or even worsening mental health. In the future, how can we help others recognize when we are experiencing anxiety or stress, especially when it’s hard…

  • Performative Media: Android vs. Human

    Christine Taylor Concept We’re hundreds of years into the future and robots and humans coexist. My project will function as a game, “Android vs. Human.” Two participants will play; when they see a light come on, they are prompted to push their button. The arduino will detect the reaction time to determine who is human…

  • Performative Media: Keep Calm and beat Arduino

    1. Concept The future of LMC The future of LMC 6310 is a stressful time. So stressful for the first-year LMC track lambs, that the Arduino section of the semester has become an immense, heart-racing endeavor. The pressure has escalated so intensely that students must be extra mindful, but, of course, they do not know…

  • “Everything is Connected” – Visual Poster

    Link to view project: Concept and process: My poster titled “Everything is Connected” draws inspiration from vintage botanical posters and uses the computers camera as a way to navigate it in a novel way. The botanical posters you see above represent a family of distinct looking plants which are actually part of the same…

  • Visual Assignment

    The Idea: My idea hinged on claw machines, and how they’re rigged to break. Even for the average person, claw machines are known for being difficult at best. But even beyond that, you would struggle to find someone who believes a claw machine is truly all skill-based. While this may vary from machine to machine,…

  • LMC 6310 Visual Media Assignment: Drummer Wanted

    Link to project: (It should run fine in the online editor, but if it doesn’t work or something then message / email me and I can send you the zipped code to run locally) (Also if you want to play the demo you can press the word “play” on the second screen to change to…

  • Murder Mystery Visual Media Project

    My project link: Need to zoom out your screen size to see the entire poster on the screen. To run the project it might take up a bunch of disk storage… Project Overview I started wanting to make a project involving a magnifying glass looking around the canvas for something. This led me to…

  • Computer as Expressive Media Poster

    For the visual media project, I made a poster for the class. The poster would be put up around campus to pique students’ interests and give them a glimpse into what the class can be about. The choices of color—bright orange—and the bold texts with tall x-height—Gravity by ABC Dinamo—serve to command passerbys’ attention. Once…