LMC 6310 fall 2024 blog
I urge you to look at the postcard before reading further and try to figure what it means. Its a bit weird but still. Description Okay, so basically, I imagined that the part of your brain responsible for dreams is…
Visiting Thailand
Postcard Narrative – We miss you
Created a fictional postcard for a project that tells the story of an Asian parent whose child is working in a faraway country. I focused on capturing the emotional nuances of long-distance family relationships. As an international student far from…
Postcard Narrative – Find Me
Paula has heard of bombings nearby in France. She fears for her safety and that of her sisters, whom she now cares for. She writes to an American soldier she met and fell in love with, pleading for him to…
Interactive Narratives – Spider and Web
Madison Steinau Spider and Web, created by Andrew Plotkin (fondly known as Zarf) in 1998, quickly became one of the most defining and memorable pieces of interactive fiction from that era, continuing to influence the genre for decades. Utilizing the…
Post Card Back Home
By Natalie Jarrett This narrative was inspired by the neighborhood I lived in prior to relocating to Atlanta. Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco was known as the hotbed of the 1960s counter-culture and hippie movements. The neighborhood was frequented by legendary cultural…
Postcard to Frances
Madison Steinau 1920’s Atlanta offers all the exciting new promises of a rising city… Something, however, is on the loose… what happened to Ernest? This postcard is an artifact of that mystery. One hundred years later, the unknown answer to…
Postcard Narrative -Jaeri Suh
Title: The Pigeon Park Personal Inspiration: My postcard tells a story of time-crossed communication, connecting two individuals separated by decades. This narrative is inspired by my personal experience, where my childhood apartment, built in 1973 and where I lived until…
Postcard narrative
The first prompt is to create a fictional postcard that invokes a story. You sketch a conflict in a character within a single post card. The goal is not to squeeze a novel into a postcard but to emphasize story…
This is the basic blog we will use to share work and keep each other updated on our projects. You should be able to post as https://classblogs21.iac.gatech.edu/2024lmc6310/wp-admin/